Thursday, April 20, 2006

Great and Holy Friday

1. John 13:31–18:1
2. John 18:1-29
3. Matthew 26:57-75
4. John 18:28 - 19:16
5. Matthew 27:3-32
6. Mark 15:16-32
7. Matthew 27:33-54
8. Luke 23:32-49
9. John 19:38-42
10. Mark 15:43-47
11. John 19:38-42
12. Matthew 27:62-66

Troparion - Tone 2
The Noble Joseph,
When he had taken down Your most pure Body from the tree,
Wrapped it in fine linen,
And anointed it with spices,
And placed it in a new tomb.

Troparion - Tone 2
The angel came to the myrrh-bearing women at the tomb and said:
Myrrh is fitting for the dead,
But Christ has shown Himself a stranger to corruption.

Kontakion - Tone 8
Come, let us all sing the praises of Him who was crucified for us,
For Mary said when she beheld Him upon the tree:
Though You do endure the cross,
You are my Son and my God!